Research Progress Report #17
description of table 1
Demographics of Montana Developmental Disabilities Service Providers (Number = 7)
Number of Employees: The low was 33, the average was 102 and the high was 215.
Proportion of Part-time Employees: The low was 17%, the average was 22% and the high was 33%.
“Low-end” Hourly Salary: The low was $5.75, the average was $7.56 and the high was $9.85.
“High-end” Hourly Salary: The low was $8.90, the average was $10.42 and the high was $13.
Eligibility Period for Salary Increase: The low was 6 months, the average was 9 months and the high was 12 months. Amount of Pay Increase: The low was 2%, the average was 3.4% and the high was 9%. Number of Individuals Served: The low was 19, the average was 62 and the high was 121.
Direct Service Staff to Consumer Ratio: The low was one staff to 3.5 consumers. The average was one staff to 4 consumers and the high was one staff to ten consumers.