MTDH Program Areas

The Montana Disability and Health Program is organized to respond to the health priorities of Montanans with disabilities across the life course. Disability has been defined by the 2005 Surgeon General’s Call to Action as “a feature of the body, mind or senses that can affect a person’s daily life.”
- Inclusive Health Training
Inclusive Health Training Flyer (PDF)
Special Olympics Montana and the Montana Disability and Health Program are hosting a virtual Inclusive Health Training. Attend two 1-hour sessions to help your organization advance health equity through the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
Register by April 14, 2023:
Contact with questions.
- March is Disability Awareness Month!
March is Disability Awareness Month! Disability and health is the prevention of disease and the promotion of health among people with disabilities. We all must strive for accessible and inclusive design to support equal health opportunities. Read this poster to learn how you can take 3 steps toward accessible and inclusive design (PDF).
- Diabetes Management for Self- Advocates
This video project is a collaboration of 10 state disability and health programs: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, and South Carolina.
It’s Your Diabetes, But You are Not Alone.
34 Million adults in the U.S are living with diabetes.
Get a checkup every 3 months, or as often as your doctor tells …
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- Inclusive Fitness Training
Please join us for one or both days of our inclusion trainings at the University of Montana. Day one will focus on inclusion in all types of fitness spaces while day two will help identify ways you can make your chronic disease prevention programs more inclusive.
NOTE: This training is for fitness, health promotion and public …
- Inclusive Fitness Training Workshop in Missoula
May 15-16, 2019
The Montana Disability and Health Program (MTDH) in partnership with the Rural Institute on Inclusive Communities and the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability will be holding an Inclusive Fitness Training Workshop in Missoula on May 15-16, 2019. This workshop is a great opportunity to learn about inclusivity, exercise recommendations, adaptations, …
- Enduring webinar event: Reaching People with Disabilities Through Patient Navigation: Supportive Access to Healthcare Coverage
Please join us for this 1.5 hour webinar from the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) at the American Association on Health Disability.
Disclosure Information –
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Montana Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Criteria for Successful Completion: Completion of Posttest with …
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Success Story Spotlight
- Promoting inclusive community health initiatives
About one out of five people in the United States lives with some type of disability, including physical, vision, mental health, cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and other health conditions that cause limitations in one or more major life activities. In 2014, Montanans with disabilities self-rated their overall health as fair/poor (41%), indicating a substantially …
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