RTC:Rural Rural Institute University of Montana

logo for Montana Disability & Health Program: Living well under the Big Sky

Research Progress Report #22

description of figure 1

The recall record has four columns. The first is labeled “Food Items (list separately main ingredients in mixed dishes)”. The second column is labeled “When?”. The third column is labeled “Amount eaten”. The fourth column is labeled “1=sure, 2=not sure, 3=no amt.” Without the use of photos, the second, third and fourth columns are empty. The first column has a line drawn through it and the comments “Unintelligible. Unable to show foods or describe. No information from subject.”

Description of Figure 1b, 24-hour recall records of interview responses given by study participant #9B with the use of photos: The recall record has four columns. The first is labeled “Food Items (list separately main ingredients in mixed dishes)”. The second column is labeled “Time (premeal)”. The third column is labeled “Pre-post picture pair #s”. The fourth column is labeled “Ate all? (If no post picture taken)”. With the use of photos, the record indicates that the subject ate breakfast at 7:33 and had one cup of oatmeal, 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries, 10 ounces of coffee with milk, and 8 ounces of water. The subject consumed all of this food. The subject ate lunch at 12:36 and had 10 ounces of grape or cranberry juice and three containers of unidentified food. The containers were closed and the interviewer couldn’t determine their contents. The subject ate dinner at 6:25 and had spaghetti, consisting of 1 ½ cups of noodles, 1/3 cup of tomato sauce, and 1 tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese. The subject also had 1/3 cup of broccoli and one slice of garlic bread, consisting of French bread, 2 teaspoons of butter or margarine and garlic herb powder. The subject consumed all of this food. The record form also asks “Were there foods you ate that you did not take pictures of? If so, why not?” The reviewer has written “Don’t know? (No answer)”.

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